KUALA LUMPUR, 9 Jan 2022 (Bernama) — Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) international reserves amounted to US$114.6 billion as at Dec 30, 2022.
In a statement today, the central bank said the reserves level has taken into account the quarterly foreign exchange revaluation changes.
According to BNM, the reserves position is sufficient to finance 5.2 months of imports of goods and services and is 1.0 time of the total short-term external debt.
The central bank said the main components of the international reserves were foreign currency reserves (US$102.6 billion), International Monetary Fund reserves position (US$1.4 billion), Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (US$5.7 billion), gold (US$2.3 billion) and other reserve assets (US$2.6 billion).
The assets consisted of gold and foreign exchange and other reserves including SDRs (RM503.29 billion), Malaysian government papers (RM12.82 billion), deposits with financial institutions (RM2.94 billion), loans and advances (RM23.69 billion), land and buildings (RM4.14 billion) and other assets (RM72.06 billion).
Capital and liabilities comprised paid-up capital (RM100 million), reserves (RM153.10 billion), currency in circulation (RM162.07 billion), deposits by financial institutions (RM221.89 billion), federal government deposits (RM5.22 billion), other deposits (RM37.29 billion), Bank Negara papers (RM6.65 billion), allocation of SDRs (RM28.21 billion) and other liabilities (RM4.40 billion), BNM added.
— Akses Malaysia