KUALA LUMPUR, 16 Nov 2022 — Bursa Malaysia Bhd and the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to undertake a three-year collaboration with three core initiatives to benefit the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the country’s economy.
The framework of the MoU includes jointly exploring commercial opportunities for both Bursa Malaysia and SSM that support corporate Malaysia’s digital economy growth aspiration.
The new collaboration will be to leverage the combined potential of Bursa Malaysia’s and SSM’s datasets to build a first-of-its-kind data ecosystem that supports Malaysia’s socio-economic development agenda.
The platform, comprising datasets of corporate Malaysia from both SMEs and public listed companies (PLCs), will facilitate the development of in-depth meaningful analytics and solutions for the fund-raising community in the capital market, as well as the business community at large.
Driving the ESG agenda, Bursa Malaysia and SSM will work together to encourage corporate Malaysia to focus on improving disclosures and access to capital through ESG best practices in respective industries.
PLCs from financial institutions to manufacturing businesses can act as catalysts of the Malaysia’s economy to improve data and transparency in their supply chain.
“The MoU between Bursa Malaysia and SSM today provides the Exchange a trusted partner both in terms of improving our combined data capacity, as well as the opportunity in empowering the local business community through data and information sharing,” said Chief Executive Officer of Bursa Malaysia Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift in a joint statement today.
Muhammad Umar added that the collaboration will allow smaller businesses to learn from best practises from larger corporations.
“SSM has a comprehensive data bank consisting of details on information relating to company and other business entities profiles, share capital, directors, officers, shareholders, charges and financial information,” said Chief Executive Officer of SSM Datuk Nor Azimah Abdul Aziz.
— Akses Malaysia